Health News

New Breast Implant Approved
Women who want to enhance the size of or rebuild their bustlines now have a new choice. The US Food and Drug Administration has approved a new silicone breast implant.
Don’t Ignore Sexual Issues
Cardiac patients can experience sexual dysfunction. But if patients don't tell their doctor about it, they may have trouble getting their sex life back on track.
Baby Brain Bleeds and Epilepsy
About half of all strokes in infants and children result in bleeding in the brain. According to past studies, this bleeding may have a link to epilepsy.  
Catheters Can Be Killers for Kidney Patients
Kidney disease patients often require dialysis. If this procedure is done with a catheter, however, it may increase the risk of death and heart problems.
Treating OCD in People with Autism
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is fairly common in people with autism. With that in mind, researchers wanted to see if OCD treatments could be helpful for patients who also have autism.
Women Are Heart Smarter, But There's More to be Done
February is American Heart Month, and a good time to think about how you can improve your heart health and live a heart healthy lifestyle.
Understanding and Managing Blood Sugar
Carbohydrates include some of the tastiest foods out there, like pasta and pie. But they also get a bad rap when it comes to their nutritional contributions. Do they deserve it?
FDA Approves new Silicone Gel-Filled Breast Implant
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved the Natrelle 410 Highly Cohesive Anatomically Shaped Silicone-Gel Filled Breast Implant to increase breast size (augmentation) in women at least 22 years old and to rebuild breast tissue (reconstruction) in women of any age.
Vitamin K for Healthy Knees
Vitamin K supports bones and cartilage. So researchers wanted to know if low vitamin K was linked to joint damage and osteoarthritis.
The Fate of New Hips in Women
Hip joint replacements can help patients regain normal mobility. But just like any surgery, there are risks involved in hip replacement. And women may have a higher risk than men when it comes to failure of the new hip.