Health News

Does Depression Impact Stroke Recovery?
Recovering from stroke can be hard. New research suggests that mental health may affect recovery from a stroke.
Boston’s Homeless Overdosing More
Medicine may have advanced since the 1980s , but death rates among the homeless in one of the United States' biggest cities remains the same. Drug overdoses have become the greatest concern.
Getting Rest from Bladder Issues
For people with overactive bladder, many aspects of day-to-day life can be interrupted. And unfortunately, overactive bladder doesn't usually take a break when a patient lies down in bed.  
"Dear Abby" Columnist Passes Away
She was the mother/sister/grandmother/aunt/best friend that millions relied on for advice. Now dear "Abigail Van Buren," whose real name was Pauline Phillips, has died.
New Flu Shot – Without Eggs
One drawback of the seasonal flu vaccine is that it's made with egg proteins – a possible problem for people with egg allergies. But next year, they will have a new egg-free option.
Menopause Isn't the End for the Brain
Though menopause marks the end of a woman's ability to have kids, it doesn't mean the end for other facets of the mind and body.
Obesity May Lower Chances of Ridding RA
If you are obese, you are putting extra strain on your joints. That excess weight is known to make osteoarthritis worse. Could obesity also make it harder to treat rheumatoid arthritis?
From One Womb to Another
A mother's habits while pregnant often have consequences for the baby down the road. Tobacco and alcohol use are two common examples of harmful lifestyle behaviors that affect a baby in the womb.
Detecting Cancer, Measure by Measure
A PSA test is a common way to screen for prostate cancer. While a single PSA reading may signal prostate trouble, repeated measurements of PSA may offer a more precise means of detection.
Replacing Toothless Smiles Now Easier
Losing your baby teeth is fine. More teeth are coming in. But when you're older, you may not want a toothless smile.