Health News

Safety of Vaccine Schedule Affirmed
Parents have often expressed concerns about the safety of children's vaccines. Now the gold standard of approval has been given to the childhood immunization schedule.
FDA approves new seasonal influenza vaccine made using novel technology
The US Food and Drug Administration today announced that it has approved Flublok , the first trivalent influenza vaccine made using an insect virus ( baculovirus ) expression system and recombinant DNA technology. Flublok is approved for the prevention of seasonal influenza in people 18 through 49 years of age.
An Interview About Lance Armstrong's Cancer
One thing is certain about Lance Armstrong – he’s the most famous testicular cancer survivor on the planet. He was 25 when he was diagnosed and treated with an advanced form of the disease that had already spread to his brain.
Smartphone Apps Are Not Doctors
There’s an app for just about everything these days. But when it comes to diagnosing any type of cancer, nothing beats a real doctor. Seriously, go to a real doctor.
An Ordinary Testicular Cancer Survivor’s Story
Lance Armstrong is only one of thousands of mostly young men who have battled testicular cancer and won. While the cyclist’s life after cancer story has been far more glamorous, lots of ordinary guys have had the disease threaten their manhood.
Your Eyes Are the Prize: Get Tested
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the US, and it most often occurs in people over age 40. Early treatment, however, can save your sight.
The Status of TB in Children
Pediatricians ask many questions at yearly check ups. There’s one question they might need to add to the list: Where were the child’s parents born?
Controlling Periods
Rollercoaster emotions and moods can both be problems during a woman's period. Heavy flows can make it worse.
Pill Popping in Slight Decline
In the US, the most frequent use of illegal drugs is marijuana. The second most frequent use of illegal drugs was prescription painkillers for non-medical purposes.
Predicting Chemotherapy Success
When chemotherapy is prescribed for colorectal cancer, doctors don’t always know if it will work for an individual treatment. A new tool might help predict success.