Health News

Common Signs of Thyroid Disease in Children
The thyroid gland which is located at the front of the neck near the clavicles is responsible for the rate of all metabolic and chemical processes in our body, in every cell, tissue and organ.
Heart Attacks Worse For Some Patients
Heart attacks are serious health concerns. The treatment of heart attacks can be difficult and even dangerous when the patient has other medical problems.
Seeking Approval of New Diabetes Med
For many diabetes patients, diet and exercise alone isn't enough to control blood sugar levels. These patients need medications. And they may need more options. A new diabetes medication is at the start of the approval process.
Breathing Life into Little Lungs
Babies born extremely early often need extra help breathing because their lungs haven't fully developed. Now doctors understand how the two ways currently used to do that affect the children later on.
More Meth, More Problems
What happens when a person uses methamphetamines more than 16 days out of the month? Does psychosis increase the more meth a person uses?
How Mistrust Affects Cancer Screening
Some people tend to have a problem with physicians and other healthcare providers. They don’t trust these professionals. As a result, many ignore cancer screenings.
Facts on Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a very common virus that leads to mild, cold-like symptoms in adults and older healthy children. But it can be far more serious in infants and toddlers, especially those in certain high-risk groups.
Surgical Menopause Treatment Options
The average age for natural menopause (a woman's last period) is 51. But some women experience menopause earlier, whether naturally or because of surgery.
Blood Clot Searching During Pregnancy
Pregnant women are at higher risk for blood clots, which can be fatal. Doctors use ultrasound tests to look for clots, but it's not clear whether those tests are good enough.
Obesity and RA on the Rise - Are They Linked?
As rates of obesity continue to rise, so too do rates of related diseases. Rheumatoid arthritis could be one of those related diseases.