Health News

Mama's Diet Shapes Kid's Diabetes Risk
A pregnant mother's diet plays a key role in her child's development and health. If you are pregnant, eating an unhealthy diet could boost your child's chances of developing diabetes.
Flu Season Off to an Early Start
Last year's flu season was unusually mild. But this year is getting an unusually early start, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Secondhand Smoke and the Unborn Baby
So it's pretty clear that smoking while pregnant is a bad idea. But what if it's just those around you who are smoking? Does that affect unborn babies too? Possibly.
Hit the Books, Not the Bottle
College can be both an exciting and a rough transition from high school. Those who struggle with mental health issues may find it harder to stay in school.
Test Identifies Rejected Hearts Suitable for Transplant
The heart transplant waiting list isn't short, and if anything, only continues to grow. So doctors have taken another route. They've found a method for screening previously rejected hearts that would deem viable ones suitable for transplant.
Caregivers: Take Care of Yourself, Too
Caregiving is tough on healthy lifestyle maintenance. Blood relative caregivers to cardiovascular disease patients must take extra care with a heart-healthy lifestyle.
Best Surgeries for Diabetes
In study after study, weight loss surgery has reversed diabetes' impact on the body. But there are many kinds of weight loss surgery to choose from. So which ones work best?
End Caps and Pancreatic Cancer
Trying to predict who’s at risk for cancer is a key research goal. Scientists look at all sorts of things to do this. Science is making progress in predicting pancreatic cancer risk.
Timing Matters in Diabetes
Obesity is the leading cause of diabetes worldwide. And whether you are young or old, being obese can boost your chances of developing diabetes.
Graveyard Shift Keeping You Up?
Awake, asleep, tired, wired? Non-traditional work shifts can mess with the body’s natural sleep/wake cycle. Physical health deterioration and safety in the workplace are at stake.