Health News

Arthritic Kids Face Lung Problems
Inflammatory arthritis isn't only for adults. Children can develop the condition too. This means they are not only faced with pain but also complications of living with an inflammatory disease.
Kidney Disease Kids: Pointers for Parents
It's hard work being a parent. It's an even harder job to be a parent of a child with chronic kidney disease. You may feel lost, confused or distressed. But you don't have to feel this way.
Web Tool Helps Track or Treat Prostate Cancer
While up to half of prostate cancer cases are not life threatening, most patients choose to treat the disease with surgery or radiation. A new web-based program aims to help reduce unnecessary treatment.
FDA Drug Safety Communication: Updated information on intravenous Zofran
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is notifying healthcare professionals that the 32 mg, single intravenous (IV) dose of the anti-nausea drug Zofran ( ondansetron hydrochloride) will no longer be marketed because of the potential for serious cardiac risks.
FDA Drug Safety Communication: Important Change to Heparin Container Labels
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is notifying healthcare professionals, caregivers, and patients about a change to the container and carton labels for heparin products, which are blood-thinning agents that prevent the formation of blood clots.
Less Is More In Breast Radiation
After breast cancer surgery, radiation therapy is commonly given. Radiotherapy is used to get rid of cancer cells that can linger after surgery. Typically, the therapy is given daily for five weeks. Shorter and lower dose radiotherapy may become the new standard.
Young Breast Cancer Patients Respond Better
Breast cancer is rare in young women under the age of 35. Unfortunately, it’s generally more aggressive in these women. The good news is that youth has its advantages in fighting breast cancer.
Heart Tune-Up Boosts Longevity
Cardiac rehabilitation doesn't just help patients in the short term. New research suggests those who engage in a heart rehab program also tend to live longer.
Being Mindful of Diabetes Distress
For many patients, living with diabetes is no easy task. The day-to-day struggle of controlling the disease can take a toll on one's mood. Being mindful of the moment may help diabetes patients boost their mental health.
Ladies with Lupus Skipping Paps
For women under 30, yearly screening is one of the best ways to detect cervical cancer. Unfortunately, many women with lupus - a condition linked to cervical problems - may be skipping out on screening.