Health News

Stopping the Switch to Schizophrenia
Schizophrenia often does not suddenly turn on like a switch. There are usually early symptoms before a person reaches full psychosis. But how do you stop what's coming?
New Drug Combo For Cocaine Addicts
Treating cocaine dependence is extremely tough. The science community is working towards making it a little easier with medication. A new trial has taken a step in the right direction.
Rural Hospital Dollars Benefit From "Siri"
Not all hospitals can afford to have stroke experts on hand around the clock. This is particularly true for small or rural medical centers where such a move might not make sense when they see so few stroke patients.
Self-Injury in Kids of Cancer Patients
Coping with the loss of a parent to cancer during the teen years can be too much to handle. Inflicting self-harm or thinking or attempting suicide is far too common for this group.
Are You Angry or Anxious – or Both?
Excessive anxiety interferes with an individual's daily life. So does excessive anger, whether the person acts out or bottles it up. Is it possible these conditions are related?
Smoking Worsens Hangovers
Most ex-smokers can recall with frustration their smelly clothes and hair, as well as worse lung function. But did smoking cigarettes make hangovers worse as well?.
Blood Sugar Drops, Heart Problems Rise
High blood sugar isn't the only thing that's dangerous for patients with diabetes. Low blood sugar can also do damage.
Meeting the Needs of Dementia Patients
Mental disorders in the elderly, like dementia, can create many special needs for the patient and their caregivers. Many of the needs may be met, but some may not.
Sleep Away the Pain
Wouldn't it be nice to spend an extra few hours in bed each morning? Chances are, you would get all the sleep you need - and you may feel less pain during the day.
Colorectal Cancer May Be Just A Breath Away
Of all the screenings, looking for colorectal cancer is one of the most dreaded. That’s because the most effective tests are invasive and uncomfortable. Work is underway to bring a breath of fresh air to the process.