Health News

Daredevils Don’t Need Vodka with Red Bull
Energy drinks are full of caffeine and sugar, which can pack quite a kick. But what happens if people drink energy drinks with alcohol? Do people get double buzzed and reckless?
Vitamin D Benefits New Moms
One recent study found that too little vitamin D didn't appear to affect baby's bone growth. But there are other risks if expecting moms have too little vitamin D.
Spotting Spondylitis
So you've had back pain for awhile now, and it's not going away. Maybe your pain is especially bad when you wake up in the morning. While there are many causes of back pain, ankylosing spondylitis could be to blame in your case.
Maybe the Ovaries Should Stay
When cancer isn’t involved, women may want to hang on to their ovaries for other health reasons. Depending on the case, removal of the uterus may not have to include the ovaries too.
Confused About Cancer Nutrition Advice
Should a cancer patient lose weight, gain weight or maintain weight during treatment? What’s a healthy eating plan after treatment is over? This type of information isn’t easy to come by.
Know Your Diabetes Risk
Diabetes is a big problem in America. And all too often, the people who are most affected by the disease are not even aware of their status.
Bald is Beautiful, But Beware
Baldness affects about 60 percent of men at some time in their lives.  Researchers now think baldness and prostate cancer may be linked in African American men.
Targeting Lung Cancer Bad Actor
In the cancer world, a protein called Hsp90 is a bad actor. It helps a number of different cancers survive and thrive. An experimental medication may become Hsp90’s worst nightmare.
Gym in a DVD
When a gym is not available or is difficult to get to, older adults don't have to go far to get the same exercise support and results.
Louisiana Sinkhole Gobbling Up Land
You remember hearing about the Florida man who died after the earth gave way beneath his bed as he slept? While its impact was tragic, that sinkhole was tiny compared to the monster in Bayou Corne, Louisiana.