Health News

The Consequences of Teen Abuse
The US has one of the highest teen pregnancy rates among developed nations. Understanding the risk factors for teen pregnancy might lead to effective prevention.
A Weak Link of Broken Hearts--EMBARGOED until 11:01pm CST on 3/23/13
The effects of a mother's body on her developing child are still mysterious in many ways. For example, the possible effects of emotional stress on a baby aren't totally understood.
Even a Little Early is Too Early
Extremely premature birth is linked to difficulties with thinking and motor skills. But researchers are still learning what it means even if children are born only a few weeks early.
Off to the Hospital for MS Patients
Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) are more prone to infection than people without the disease. This increased infection risk may translate to more hospitalizations among MS patients.
Rain or Shine, Umbrellas Are Fine
Umbrellas aren’t just good for protection from the rain. They can also be a great barrier from the sun. From lacy parasols to sporting favorite team logos, umbrellas make a healthy accessory.
Eat Less Meat For Better Wealth
The Mediterranean diet has been shown to improve health. As it turns out, the diet is also inexpensive and may save you money at the grocery store.
Staying Focused on TB
While great strides have been made in combating tuberculosis (TB), it is by no means time to forget about the disease. This is the key message of World Tuberculosis Day, observed on March 24.
Is Fasting the New Fat-Busting Fad?
It seems like weight loss trends change constantly – and there could be a new one on the horizon. However, with this new fad, the focus is not so much on what you eat, but on how long you don’t eat.
No Need to Fear Lupus Medications
Fear that the treatment for one condition might cause another condition, like cancer, could prevent people from taking needed medications. But should this be a concern for lupus patients?
Don’t Let Cervical Cancer Get You Down
Kicking cervical cancer to the curb takes an emotional and physical toll. It may take a little time to figure out how to improve the quality of life for the first couple years after surgery.