Health News

Bumps in Hip Surgery
Arthroscopy of the hip doesn't involve much cutting into the skin or joint. But going under the knife, even for a minor hip procedure, is not without its risks.
A Little TV Not That Bad
It's still not clear what kind of effects watching too much TV or playing video games can have on children. There are many different factors researchers have to consider.
When Baby-Making Just Takes Longer
Having difficulty conceiving a baby over a long period of time may indicate a condition called subfertility. Subfertility carries its own slight risks if parents eventually do have a baby.
LifeScan Announces Voluntary Recall of All OneTouch Verio IQ Blood Glucose Meters
LifeScan, Inc. is initiating a voluntary recall and replacement for all of its OneTouch ® Verio ® IQ blood glucose meters in the United States, effective immediately.
Cold Sores, Ulcers and...Dementia?
A cold sore or a slight respiratory infection is just that, right?  An uncomfortable health issue that clears up in a few days? But it may be more complicated than that.
FDA Approves First Botulism Antitoxin
The US Food and Drug Administration announced today that it has approved Botulism Antitoxin Heptavalent (A, B, C, D, E, F, G)-(Equine) to treat patients showing signs of botulism following documented or suspected exposure to botulinum neurotoxin.
Which Knees Need the Knife?
A burning question among orthopedic docs is when is it appropriate to operate versus when to wait and prescribe physical therapy? In short, who needs the knife?
Macrolides and Heart Attacks
We think of antibiotics as something that will only bring us health – not harm. However a recent study is exploring a potential connection between a specific antibiotic and heart troubles.
Quit Smoking and Enjoy That New Hip
Total hip replacement and smoking cigarettes just don’t mix. That's because smoking can cramp the healing process. Even quitting just before surgery is better than not quitting at all.
Watch Out for Gout
Sometimes treating one problem can put you at a higher risk for a different health condition. For example, some blood pressure medications can increase the risk of gout.