Health News

Extra Pounds Don't Affect Heartburn Rx
Overweight and obese patients are at risk for a number of health conditions, including​ heartburn and two kinds of acid reflux. Could their weight affect how well their medications treat those conditions?
Linking Poor Sleep and Alzheimer's
Poor sleep is linked to a wide range of possible ailments. However, it also works the other way around. Poor sleep can also be a sign that illness is contributing to the bad sleep.
FDA Approves TOBI Podhaler
The US Food and Drug Administration today approved TOBI Podhaler (tobramycin inhalation powder) for the management of cystic fibrosis patients with Pseudomonas aeruginosa, a bacterium that causes lung infections.
Activity Each Day Keeps Fractures at Bay
It's been debated whether to spread exercise out over the course of the week or spend the same time exercising over fewer days. Children's bone development could benefit from the former.
Rx Shortages Hitting Cancer Patients Hard
The conversation about medication shortages has died down recently. The problem hasn’t gone away, though. Cancer patients are apparently feeling the brunt of ongoing supply problems.
Joint Connection After Surgery
Osteoarthritis in the knee or hip can make intimacy difficult between couples. Surgery to replace painful joints could help.
Blood Pressure & Signs of a Declining Mind
Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is important for a lot of reasons. For people with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease, it may help prevent early Alzheimer’s symptoms.
Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Individuals with heart disease are already at a higher risk of death from their heart condition. But adding depression or anxiety – or both – to the mix can raise the stakes.
Bone Loss Rx Didn't Lower Cancer Risk
It’s always exciting when researchers find a new benefit for an existing medication. One type of medicine that treats bone loss has been shown to have anti-cancer properties.
Beat Back Pain by Quitting Smoking
There are a lot of obvious reasons to quit smoking. But a lesser known reason to quit may be to help with back pain during treatment for spine issues.